We'll Help You Win More With Improved Mental Toughness...

  • Do you wish you could win more against the players you most want to beat, and improve your rating/ranking? 
  • Do you lose matches you have the physical skills to win due to choking, poor concentration, anger, giving up, low confidence, or the yips?
  • Do you feel frustrated at your underperformance, or helpless and confused in not knowing what to do?
  • Would you like to learn the performance skills that are the foundation for our success at work and in relationships as well?

Did you answer yes to any of these questions? If so, here's how we can help...

Individual Consulting

Free 15min Individual Consult

Given the demand for our individual consulting now that we’re able to work on court with players anywhere in the world via Zoom, we’ll first need you to apply for a no obligation 30min Free Initial Assessment to learn more about you and explain our approach....


Free Resources

PACT Method Quick Guide

Our 'PACT Method Quick Guide' is an easy to understand introduction to the 4 Key Skills you need to improve mental toughness. 


'Mental Toughness Made Simple' Video Series

Each Sunday Mentally Tough Tennis founder Dr. Anthony Ross releases a new mental toughness video tip :-)


"Hi Pat. It works, it all consolidated under pressure and I played the best tennis ever under pressure. Just won the club championship final against my biggest rival who players really aggressively and to whom I always lose under pressure. He had 4 set points in the 1st set and on the deciding point I hit a cracking first serve and won the point. I then won the next set 4-0. Thanks again for the MT consulting""

Frank P
Proud Club Champion

"My hope when I engaged Mentally Tough Tennis was simply to bring a competitive advantage to my game. What I didn't expect was how easily the PACT skills would transfer to helping me improve my business performance as well"

Allan McPherson
Director: McPherson Group

"When I was about to step out to play Rafael Nadal on the centre court at the Australian Open there was no one I would rather have had in the locker room preparing me for that challenge than the MTT team "

Robert Kendrick
Former ATP tour player

"Had a great time at the MTT camp meeting great people, improving my competitive skills, and having a fantastic time."

Vanessa Reid
Tennis Lover

"Working with Pat has helpled me not only in tennis but also in many other areas of my life. My work requires me to navigate very high pressure situations that I've always struggled with. However, after working with MTT I've been able to perform at a level I didn't know was possible"

Tristan Curry

50% Complete

Two Step

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