Form vs Function



If we want to understand player match behaviour better there are 3 factors to consider.

1.) Context

Context is the situation in which the behaviour occurs. So, for example, a particular behaviour may occur only in certain match situations.

2.) Form

Form is the behaviour that we see. So, for instance, a player who gives up when losing, a player who plays poorly under pressure, or a player who acts angrily when not meeting expectations.

3.) Function

The function is the reason for the behaviour. When we look at behaviour through a functional lens we are repeatedly asking ourselves, “What is the player’s current behaviour in the service of”? “Why might it be occurring”?

When we look at match behaviour we can often see that similar forms of behaviour e.g., giving up, acting angrily…might have different functions. It’s the function that is important for us to understand if we want to help players regulate their behaviour.